If you've hauled it on your bicycle, I'd like to know about it. Please send pictures and a description of how you made it happen. Let's show the world how fun and useful pedal power can be! send to: bikehaul AT gmail-DOT-com.

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Where there's a will, there's a way, A.K.A:

When you can't buy your solution, you have to get creative. Perhaps there's a reason that all of these scenes would be shocking to an american viewer. We wouldn't think of such simple, elegant solutions to hauling stuff. We wouldn't have to. With that in mind, check out this photo series, and realize that carrying things by bicycle is still an option. Always! The choice is yours. Be a bike hauling trend-setter!

(These images are reposted from this blog. )

Not like this.

Not like this.
We can be more creative than this.